In a Game Show, the audience participate by becoming contestants in a live competition. This will create an atmosphere that is both fun and educational for the contestants and the audience. The Show subjects consist of current events, cultural trivia, historical trivia, musical trivia, TV/Movie trivia, and much more. Some of the games can be customized for your event. Face Off Podiums or 4 Station Podiums with Buzzers are used for all games.
Game Show is designed to be fast-paced, exciting and fun for everyone. Games include Fabulous Feud, Spin to Win, Name that Tune, Trivia, One Minute Challenge, Not So Newly Wed Game, and Fantasy Dating Game.
- Paylist: A buzzer game for up to 10 players or teams. Paylist is a mix of “Name That Tune” and multiple choice trivia.
- The Feud: This is our version of the known game “Family Feud”
- Quiz Zone: This is our version of the known game “Jeopardy”
- It’s Quiz Time!: A hosted multiple choice game where folks play on their phones. This can play 1000’s of people at once, or as little as 3 people.
- Wheel of Words: This is our version of the known game “Wheel of Fortune”
- Cell Phone Quiz: A trivia game where folks use their phones to answer. It can play up to 50 teams, and can ask more open-ended questions than “It’s Quiz Time!”
- The Game Show Machine: A 2 team mini-game battle (similar to Mario Party) where folks play just the final jackpot round of a possible collection of over 60 final jackpot games from all of TV history.
- The Cost is Correct: This is our version of the known game “The Price Is Right.” It includes props like big dice, big cards, big shells, a putting mat, and a 4-foot plinko board.
15’ L x 12’ W x 8’ H
(1) 110 volt 20 amp circuit